Condensed Matter Seminar

October 24 2019

G126 noon


Saicharan Aswartham

Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research IFW, Dresden


Novel correlated 2D layered van der-Waals magnets


The rich family of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) & transition metal trichalcogenides (TMTC) exhibits many interesting physical properties such as the metal/insulator transition, semiconducting and semimetallic transport properties, magnetism, charge-density wave state and superconductivity. Most of these properties arise from the strongly 2D character associated with the layered crystal structure. Recently, enormous interest in layered TMDs arose, e.g. WTe2 and MoTe2, for their topological quantum properties and in TMTC e.g. Cr2Ge2Te6 because of the presence of ferromagnetism down to monolayer limit. In this talk, I will discuss first, about the synthesis and physical properties of TMDs, e.g. WTe2, MoTe2 and tunability of their physical properties. Second, I will discuss about the synthesis and magnetic properties of TMTC such as Cr2Ge2Te6. During my talk, I will describe more in detail, why there is a renewed interest in the condensed matter physics community in understanding these low dimensional materials.

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